13 February, 2010

He's baa-aaack ;)

Greetings, urbanites. It's been a while, nearly a year, since I last placed words on this page, and in that time I've changed careers. I'm now working in a field that keeps me in my car a lot more, and makes it difficult to use LA's Metro...but not impossible (more on that in future posts). So I didn't think I had a lot to write about. Turns out that I do, not the least of which will be getting around on the Tube, as my wife and I will be vacationing (ok, taking our holiday) in London. By this time next week, we'll be braving the rain and cold to get to know one of the coolest cities on the planet, much of it via the Underground.

I also realized, in reading my older posts, that I have a tendency to be pretty wordy. So I'll be changing that approach, and I'll try to be more economical with my words. Blogs are supposed to be engaging, after all, and not sleep aids. Shortening my entries should also have the effect of allowing me to blog more often.

So stay tuned for more stuff.

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